The simplex algorithm for solving a linear program
updates an admissible basic solution
with successive
pivot operations until an optimal vector
is reached.
One step
which utilizes the simplex tableau
, has the following form:
(i) First, with
, the complementary set to
one computes
and defines
as the smallest index, where
its minimum. If
, the current basic solution
is optimal and the algorithm terminates.
(ii) If the auxiliary vector
, the infimum of the cost function is
and the
linear program has no solution. Otherwise,
is the smallest index,
for which the quotients
are minimal.
(iii) The tableau
is updated,

- dividing the row with index

- subtracting, for each
from the row with index
the modified row with index
multiplied by
(Authors: Höllig/Pfeil/Walter)
automatically generated
4/24/2007 |