The QR-iteration approximates an eigenvalue of a matrix
in Hessenberg form with the aid of a sequence of
similarity transformations
The matrix
is defined by the QR-decomposition
with the diagonal shift
the eigenvalue of the
closest to
Moreover, zero diagonals of the Hessenberg form are preserved.
In particular, for syymetric
, all matrices
are tridiagonal.
the off-diagonal entry
converges to zero and,
as a consequence,
approaches an eigenvalue
. Moreover, for symmetric
the convergence is locally cubic.
If the iteration has converged, i. e., if the last off-diagonal
entry of
is zero within tolerance, the process is applied
to the submatrix
Thus, eventually, all eigenvalues are computed.
(Authors: Höllig/Pfeil/Walter)
automatically generated
4/24/2007 |